Keep up the progress!

Well this is going to be the last post for Burned Alaska. This blog was started as a project for a class I was taking for my degree. At first I thought I would hate this because of my general distaste for most kinds of social media, but this has actually pretty fun. I've seen that a couple of people have actually read this blog, and hopefully you made it through and learned a thing or two.

If anyone does come across this blog, hoping to learn something about the hobby and skill of cooking I hope you enjoy. Like I've always said anyone can learn to cook, it's just a matter of having the right skills and tools at your disposal, and I hope that this short blog gives you some of them.

I'm going to leave this blog with this simple graph.

With this simple graph or "road map" you can become a great home cook, just remember to keep cooking, keep learning, and of course keep eating!
